Member-only story
-October 17, 2023 -007
By reading the Bible,
I know Jehovah God,
He would do anything
To achieve His promise,
Some calamities I don’t want to see,
Some catastrophes depleted my energy.
Will that be real,
Before my eyes?
I really have no idea to judge,
I just don’t want to see
Any negative thing happens,
I turn my attention to the positive.
Still, I have my own dreams,
But I can’t reach them at the moment,
That brings me some frustration, but
I can comfort myself with the belief,
that I’m on my way there,
Each day is nearer to the dream.
I know, any negative thing has its lifespan,
It’s not real in a true person’s life,
The person would not take it in,
It’s only real in a person
Who doesn’t know the truth,
Who doesn’t make an effort to dismiss it.