Member-only story
-December 25, 2023 -536
“At the end of time, the Kingdom of God
Will come in its fullness.
Then the just will reign
With Christ for ever,
Glorified in body and soul,
And the material universe itself will
Be transformed. God will then be
‘All in all’, in eternal life.” -CCC 1060
The world is one, for sure
We feel the same,
Because we come from the same place
The spiritual realm.
We are dwelling on the Earth
To learn everything,
That makes us grow,
That makes us get rid of sin.
We are chasing true happiness
In this world,
We are trying to find peace forever, indeed
The world is coming.
The Kingdom of God is coming,
Giving us the promise that
There will be no pain, no sorrow, no conflicts
Love is everywhere.
True joy can be felt by everybody,
Death is leaving us for good,
The Kingdom will last forever
For this.